New year, New me


Hey, it’s 2020! Let’s talk resolutions!!! Yea yea I know, new year, new me blah blah. Seriously though, it’s 2020, we’ve all got some new goals right?!?! I know I do, hence this blog;)

So how do we get the ball rolling? I think it’s important to first realize that creating change is a process. The 5 steps of change are:

1) Precontemplation 2) Contemplation 3) Preparation 4) Action 5) Maintenance. If you’re reading this blog you’re probably already in the 2nd stage of change! After contemplating starting a new fitness program, how do you prepare for action? This task can be daunting.

There are so many different opinions out there that selecting the right one seems impossible. What we need to realize is that we are all in a slightly different stage of change. With each stage of change comes new challenges & obstacles. It’s important for us to navigate these challenges in order to stay in track.

After a decade as a personal trainer, I’ve learned that no two people are alike. It’s important for a personal trainer to adapt to their client, not the other way around. One of my greatest strengths as a trainer is my ability to create a truly customized approach with all my clients. I don’t train any two people alike. What you get when you train with me is a trainer who is knowledgeable, one who understands the stages of change, one who gives a customized experience, & one who is truly willing to do whatever it takes for you to reach your goals!

Zachary Martin